New Year, New Senior Living CRM

A Different Kind of CRM

Continuum CRM changes the way you'll view customer relationship management tools in Senior Living. It goes beyond activity tracking for the Marketing & Sales department. It helps sales people manage relationships and marketers track campaigns. For managers and corporate team leaders, it’s a powerful data-driven machine capable of providing insights to achieve better budgeting and strategic measures.

New Year, New Senior Living CRM

The first month of 2019 is well underway and many of us have set personal, and hopefully professional resolutions for this bright shiny new year.  Personally, I tend to set resolutions, or intentions for the new year, after the hoopla of New Year’s Eve has passed.  For me, it’s more meaningful, and I follow through better if I’m not following the crowd and I wait and do some contemplating and self-reflection before setting a goal.

Have you set your Organizational Goals?

Perhaps you set a professional goal to be more present at work.  To dive in with renewed fervor and spirit.  To be more successful.  Maybe as a leader in your organization, your goal is simply to help your team be more effective. Which is where creating efficiencies come into play.

It may sound elementary, but do you know if you create more efficiencies in your department, you can create more time?  Time for your team to brainstorm and strategize. Time to nurture relationships.  Time to keep up on your continued learning.  Time to seek out best practices from peers.

If it’s not already on your list of resolutions for this year, you should add the resolution to seek out technological solutions that will positively impact you team and help create more efficiencies.  Think uber cool CRM system that increases effectiveness and gives back what you and your team seek most.  Time.

Maybe you’re still using pen and paper, or Excel spreadsheets to track prospective residents.  Maybe you’re on the other end of the spectrum and have been using a CRM system for years.  When was the last time you explored new technologies?

Are you Happy with your Current CRM Provider?

Were you part of the large group of providers who in 2018 made the switch from MatrixCare REPS? Did you choose something quickly based on a sexy sales pitch or promise of closing more sales faster? Did you migrate to the new MatrixCare Marketing product because it seemed to be the most familiar and easiest learning curve, without putting a great deal of thought into looking at other options?

If you answered yes to one of those questions, ask yourself, how’s that working out for you?

If your answer is a solid, “not great,” “just okay,” or a “I wish this product could be more tailored to my needs” then you should consider looking at Continuum CRM.

Why Change your CRM?

Continuum CRM is a fully-configurable solution that can incorporate your language and processes into it.  Quite simply, you bring your culture to our application. Imagine taking ease of use and efficiencies and effectiveness to a whole new level by implementing a tool that aligns with your community’s existing terminology and sales steps.

Seeking out and implementing a new CRM is often low on the priority list for most communities.  Unless you’re faced with the phasing out of your current legacy system, you’re probably okay with the “if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it” mantra.

Unless it’s New, It’s Probably Broken

The way you market and sell senior living communities today has changed.  Old ways of selling are broken.  Today, the buyer is in complete control.  They want information at their fingertips, and more than 70% of the buyer’s journey is done online before they are willing to speak to your sales counselor.  So, if the old ways of selling are broken, that means so are the old ways of marketing, AND, the old ways of using technology.  Or, in some cases, the lack of use of technology.

Now is the time to eliminate the old silos marketing and sales used to work in.  Today, your marketing team plays a pivotal role in nurturing the marketing qualified prospect into a sales qualified prospect.  You don’t have the luxury of simply generating leads and leaving the rest to sales.

Don’t leave your marketing and sales team behind the competition with legacy CRM systems or applications that simply aren’t a good fit for your team.  Give your team more of what everyone desires, time. Gift them with a tool that not only helps you create efficiencies in your community, but also makes everyone more effective.

Eliminate Silos and Embrace the Change

If you are on the fence about switching systems, it doesn’t hurt to do a little exploratory work. If you don’t know where to start, or, if you want to make sure that this time around you’ve done all your due diligence in the selection process, feel free to download our free guide “CRM Selection Made Easy.”

Our free guide offers Assisted Living communities, CCRC’s, or other senior living providers a road map for seeking out and changing CRM systems.  Check it out.  If after you’ve read it you would like more information, feel free to call us at 800-570-6030, visit our website, or email us at

Click HERE to download your free guide

Kristin Hambleton

Kristin’s passion is in helping others succeed in the senior living industry. Her objective is to assist teams in becoming better sales people through consultative selling, and helping managers be more strategic in their roles through data mining and analysis. With her role at Continuum CRM, Kristin is able to focus on both of these efforts.