Take Lead Scoring to the Next Level

Understanding Prospect Readiness is key to Senior Living marketing and sales success. Continuum CRM™ is the only Senior Living Marketing and Sales CRM with a built-in Prospect Readiness scoring tool.

More than Lead Scoring, the Continuum CRM™ Prospect Readiness score highlights the actions prospects take prior to choosing a community.

Scores are generated based on key components of readiness:

  • Education and Awareness
  • Fit
  • Need
  • Desire
  • Means

Prospect Readiness and Lead Scoring

Customize Scoring

Custom Lead Scoring with Prospect Readiness

Do you want to include custom fields? The Continuum CRM™ Prospect Readiness score is fully configurable, so you can include factors important to your organization.

Coach Your Team

Prospect Readiness Coaching Tool

Prospect Readiness also serves as a built-in coaching tool. Prospect Readiness provides a road map to ensure your team is capturing vital discovery information.

In addition to scoring prospects based on key factors, additional data fields are included to determine motivation, address “not ready” roadblocks, strategize on downsizing plans, and so much more! The number of custom data fields are limited only by your imagination.

Encourage Discovery with Dashboards

Prospect Readiness Lead Scoring Dashboard

Do you think a prospect should be making a deposit based on where they are in the sales process? Do you think they need more education and discovery? View the Dashboard report to detect anomalies in prospect score vs. buyer’s journey.

You’ll be able to quickly understand whether your team is fully leveraging the built-in coaching tool and utilizing it to their advantage.

Incorporate Additional Scoring Models

Integrate Lead Scoring Models via API

Are you currently using another vendor’s lead scoring tool? Continuum CRM™’s open API allows you to integrate other systems. Leverage one or all of your current lead scoring methods to reveal a holistic picture of Prospect Readiness.